Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Volterra – Piazza from Twilight series

I walked up the road and into the Piazza across which Bella and Edward dashed in the 2nd book of the Twilight series. Despite staying in Volterra until sunset, I didn’t see a single vampire. Sorry Thomas. (By the way, most of the movie was actually filmed in another, nearby hill town). We also saw the remains of a Roman theater and the usual collection of shops, narrow alleys, and cobblestone streets. However, the streets of Volterra are made of lager pavers of local sedimentary stone that are smooth with use and “decorated” with ancient clam shells and other creatures from long gone seas. They were much easier on my ankle than the uneven cobbles in any of the other towns. After braving the Volturis, Lisa treated us to a lovely gelato in an ancient alley not far from the plaza.

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