Monday, May 9, 2011

Rome - Campi di Fiori, Piazza Navone & more churches

If I have my days straight, it is Saturday. Peggy and Sasha left for Lucca and I set out to see more sites. I went first to the Campi di Fiori (means field of flowers, I think, but all cobblestone) to see the statue of a heretic who was burned at the stake for his beliefs - - his statue now faces (accusingly?) the church officials who murdered him. However, the sight was hardly moving as the entire piazza was full of a market and thousands of people. I wandered north to Piazza Navonne to see Bernini's beautiful fountain of the 4 rivers. It is really lovely, but again in the middle of a street fair and thousands of people. To rest my ankle (which had become quite insistent that I stop dragging it up and down stairs and over cobbles) I had a wonderful lunch in an elegant Italian restaurant with grilled artichokes, spaghetti carbonara, lovely vino, fresh pineapple. I find I would much rather eat mid day (and skip dinner) than eat big meal at 8 or 9:00 at night as the Italians do.

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