Saturday, May 14, 2011

Orvieto - Giro d'Italia

At precisely 11:40 this morning, the remaining 180 of the 200 bicyclists who started the Giro d'Italia whizzed past our hotel on their way down the cobblestone street off the "rock". It reminded me of the race that I saw in Davis, but the setting was so different! They were preceded by a parade of elegantly dressed politzia and brightly painted cars with all sorts of giant products looming from their roofs (a cup of coffee, for example) or windows (scantily clad girls in the Playboy car), and followed by chase cars with racks of extra bicycles. Over it all was the sound of a frantically excited Italian announcer.


  1. Graveyards! Now your trip is complete! Hah. Very glad to read things are going so well. Keep your posts coming! Love, Chris

  2. Okay, I now feel that our trip was incomplete because we didn't go to Ovieto! It sounds like a lovely place. I am so glad that you are doing well mom and I look forward to hearing more as you continue your travels! I am back from Texas and am back for awhile! Love, Mike (the good son)
