Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ravenna – Basilica di San Vitale

One of the main reasons I decided to take this tour was because I really wanted to see the best Byzantine mosaics in Europe. They were simply stunning. The ceiling of the Basillica di San Vitale is covered in tiny chips of colored and golden glass, set at slight angles to catch the light and shimmer as you move around. The scenes depict the Kingdom of God (in Heaven) and the Kingdom of Justinian (on Earth) as well as dozens of accurately represented birds. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian recaptured Ravenna from the Goths in the 6th century and briefly made it a small center of culture as the Dark Ages overtook the rest of Europe. He and his Empress Theodora are represented with their secular and religious entourages in a style that bridges the end of the Roman period and the beginning of the Middle Ages.

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