Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rome - Churches!

As I wandered through Rome, I stopped in every church that I passed. Each is wonderful, over the top, and quite different. Every inch is decorated in most of them - - floors, walls, ceiling. Somehow it doesn't clash although I can't imagine living in a home decorated that lavishly. The cost of building and decorating these churches must have been staggering, and the logistics of creating such huge structures daunting. I am not Catholic so I don't understand what all the ceremony and lavish decoration has to do with something that is, in essence spiritual, but I can enjoy the art for its own sake and admire the faith and dedication that created them. To my surprise, I have found that I am more interested in the churches than in the ancient Roman ruins, probably because I never got to visit many churches during previous visits with little boys. Or, possibly because they are less crowded and full of people trying to sell me something.

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