Monday, May 30, 2011

Carrera - From the marble mountain to the sea

We visited the immense marble mountains above the town of Carrera. The shining, white, jagged tops of the mountains look just like the snow-capped Alps. People have mined stone from these mountains since early Etruscan times. This was the source of all of the marble with which Bernini and Michelangelo created their masterpieces. Our guide (a cute redhead, Sarah from Carrera) said that there is estimated to be 3 cubic MILES of marble still in the mountains above the three valleys, even though more marble has been taken out in the last 50 years using modern methods than in all of the preceding centuries combined. The bus ride up the mountain was relatively terrifying, even though our bus driver, Mario has been excellent. We went up the same narrow mountainous road that the empty trucks take, and then down the same road as the filled trucks. Far below we could see the sprawling town spreading out to the ports along the Med.

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